Workplace accidents and the end of marriage

Workplace accidents and the end of marriage

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When someone is hurt while doing their job, they may face a variety of problems, from intense physical pain to concerns about the future of their career and stress over filing for workers’ comp. Aside from the physical and financial consequences associated with workplace accidents, these incidents and the problems they cause can also place emotional strain on a worker and his or her loved ones. Sadly, this can result in additional hardships, such as a spouse deciding that the time has come to end the marriage. If you were hurt at work and are facing a divorce, you should try to prepare yourself for various challenges that could lie ahead.

Sometimes, a marital partner might decide to bring the marriage to an end because their spouse is angry or depressed due to a workplace mishap that left them hurt and changed their life in various ways. Not only are work accident victims sometimes unable to continue working in their field, but they might be affected in other ways, such as not being able to participate in certain hobbies and activities or handle responsibilities around the house. Moreover, being unable to work can lead to serious financial difficulties which can place even more strain on a relationship.

Regardless of the details of your situation, it is crucial to prevent the accident from making your life harder in other ways. You should try to prepare for legal matters you may have to face during divorce, such as property division and child custody. More material on the end of marriage is published in our family law section.