Common Causes of Car Accidents In Denver

Common Causes of Car Accidents In Denver

Although car accident injuries and deaths decreased by two percent between 2019 and 2022, they remain a high cause of accidental death, with 46,027 fatalities in 2022 and over five million reported injuries. There are many types of car accidents, including side-impact collisions, head-on collisions, rear-end collisions, and rollover accidents, but the overwhelming majority of these accidents result from the same cause. Traffic experts warn that one factor causes more car accident injuries and fatalities than any other, and what…

Who is Liable for Rideshare Accidents?

Rideshare vehicles are comfortable and convenient transportation within the community or while traveling in unfamiliar locations. But with the rise of the rideshare industry has also come a rise in overall car accident rates by about 3%. Not only do rideshare vehicles now separately transport individuals who might otherwise use public transportation and minimize the number of vehicles congesting traffic, but Uber and Lyft drivers often cruise the streets between customers while awaiting their bookings. When you or a family…

Colorado Diminished Value Claims

Car accidents in Colorado often have long-term ripple effects throughout the victims’ lives. One impact of car accidents that many victims fail to consider in the days immediately following a serious accident is the diminished value of their vehicle after an accident even following repairs. Because even the best repair jobs are rarely perfect, the imperfect appearance and reduced safety level of the repaired vehicle cause a depreciation in its value. So, does this mean that the accident victim simply…

Lost Wages After a Car Accident

Car accidents quickly become expensive. Just as you’re caught up in dealing with the pain and trauma of a serious accident, you also have to deal with mounting medical bills and other accident-related damages. When car accident injuries are serious, you may be unable to return to work in your previous capacity—or at all—but your bills and expenses can’t wait. So what do you do after a car accident when serious injuries delay or prevent you from returning to work?…

Common Causes of Car Accidents

A car accident is a shocking and often traumatic experience. Though we know they happen, we never fully imagine them happening to us and no one is ever really ready for an accident. Nonetheless, accidents happen to an average of over 17,000 people per day in the United States. These accidents cause a great deal of damage including property damage, physical injuries, emotional trauma, and sometimes death. Every year, over 100,000 people experience a car accident in Colorado alone. If…