Splitting Your 401K After a Divorce

Splitting Your 401K After a Divorce

Colorado is an “equitable division of marital assets state” that compels divorcing spouses to divide and distribute all assets and debts accumulated during the marriage fairly between both spouses. For many divorces, one or both spouses’ 401K retirement plan is the largest marital asset and is subject to division during a divorce. Some spouses may seek a fast answer to dividing 401K savings, so they can expedite the divorce process, but it pays to carefully consider the best way to…

What is a Qualified Domestic Relations Order in Colorado?

With the exception of those spouses with substantial assets, often the largest asset divorcing spouses have in Colorado is their 401K, IRA, and other retirement accounts. Colorado is an “equitable distribution of marital assets” divorce state. When spouses divorce in Colorado, the state compels them to fully disclose their financial assets and divide any marital assets in a way that’s fair if not exactly 50/50. When it comes to a retirement account, often one spouse is surprised to learn that…

Is Colorado a Community Property State?

When a couple faces the inevitability of going their separate ways, one of the first things they wonder about is how to split their property in a divorce. Second only to child custody, separating assets is one of the most contentious aspects of divorce. While a handful of states are community property states in which the courts consider all assets collected during a marriage to belong jointly to both spouses and divide them 50/50, Colorado isn’t one of them. Instead,…

Cryptocurrency ownership complicates divorces

Many individuals and couples in the Denver Metro area have diversified their investment portfolios to include cryptocurrencies. The digital currency market is quite speculative and extremely volatile – especially in these uncertain times. If you are divorcing your spouse and either of you invested in cryptocurrency, these digital currency purchases can make the asset division process more complex and arduous. Below are some considerations when dealing with cryptocurrency investments in your divorce. Find the crypto can be an issue If…

Selling your home as you divorce? Timing is key

For many divorcing couples, selling the family home and splitting the equity is the best choice. It can be nearly impossible for one person to afford to take over the mortgage and handle the property taxes, neighborhood association fees, maintenance costs and other expenses. One question you have to answer, however, is whether you should sell before or after the divorce is final. Selling your home before the divorce is final There are some advantages to doing this. For example,…