What to Do When Making a Career Transition After Divorce

What to Do When Making a Career Transition After Divorce

Divorce is not only an ending, it’s also the beginning of a new chapter. With the fresh start of post-divorce life, it’s also a time when many newly divorced people consider making life improvements, including advancing new career goals. Depending on your circumstances, you may wish for a clean start away from the coworkers who knew you as part of a couple, or you may have worked in a business with your spouse. Perhaps you put your career on hold…

What Does Healthy Co-Parenting Look Like?

Divorcing spouses are never at their best during the divorce process and rarely immediately after their divorce. However, as the months pass and the contention of divorce is left behind, making a conscious effort to prioritize the needs of the children is the best possible way to move forward after divorce with the least amount of emotional damage to the children. Healthy, cooperative co-parenting is not only advisable, but it’s also possible to achieve even after an adversarial divorce. It…

The Three Types of Co-Parenting In Colorado

No one walks down the aisle or starts a family expecting divorce in the future. Still, a significant number of marriages end in divorce. Sometimes spouses grow apart or face insurmountable relationship obstacles. When divorcing spouses share children, they have far more to consider in the divorce process than just the division of their marital assets and household goods. Divorcing a co-parent requires determining a new way forward for a family while turning one home into two. Often, divorced parents…

Is a DUI Grounds for Divorce In Colorado?

Experiencing the break up of a marriage is an emotionally fraught and sometimes traumatic time. Divorcing spouses may drown their sorrows or act out by enjoying late nights at popular clubs, but choosing to get behind the wheel while intoxicated is not only a crime and a danger to others, but it also can have a substantial impact on your divorce terms. But is a DUI grounds for divorce in Colorado? Legal Grounds for Divorce in Colorado Colorado is a…

How To Deal With Different Parenting Styles In A Blended Family

It’s always a wonderful ending when divorced people find a second chance at love and remarry. It’s even better when they each have children from a previous marriage so that both spouses understand the parenting dynamic. But does every blended family end with a happily-ever-after the way they do on TV? Not always. Most blended families face unexpected challenges when bringing two families together into one household to form a new family. In some cases, different parenting styles clash, creating…