Problems involving eyesight and car crashes

Problems involving eyesight and car crashes

Drivers have to keep an eye out for all sorts of hazards when they get in their vehicle, such as roads covered in ice or other drivers failing to follow the rules of the road. However, there are certain risk factors that could affect drivers who are very concerned about traffic safety when they get behind the wheel, such as poor eyesight and visual disturbances. Regrettably, the victims of an accident may face the same hardships regardless of the reason…

More mid-life men may be filing for divorce.

Women file for divorce more often than men. One 2015 study found that women filed for nearly 70 percent of divorces in heterosexual marriages. However, there was about a 50/50 split when it came to ending a non-marital relationship. A new study out of England may be showing that this trend is reversing. In 2016, British men filed for 40 percent of divorces, up 13 percent from the previous year. While the data may not translate directly to the U.S.,…

Being mindful of less common distractions

Drivers have to pay attention to many things while on the road, from the speed limit to signs and reckless behavior of other drivers. However, it is also crucial to watch out for any distractions that could make a crash more likely. Our law firm knows that cell phones are a common cause of distracted driving, but there are many other different distractions that can interfere with someone’s ability to operate their vehicle safely. In order to reduce the chances…

Marriage changing as online dating sites become more popular

It wasn’t that long ago that no one would have considered entering into a relationship with someone who they met online. Most romantic partnerships instead began through individual personal networks, including friends of friends, people at schools, churches or social events. But the online dating movement, began in the mid-90s, has increased steadily and is now a reliable source of long-term relationships. In many cases, it has replaced the usual way of finding a romantic partner. This change has led…

Where do most fatal rollover crashes occur?

With rollover accidents, there are a variety of factors to consider. Sometimes, people are able to walk away from these wrecks relatively unscathed, while others sustain a serious injury or pass away. Some rollover crashes are caused by another driver’s negligence, while others only involve one vehicle. Although any type of traffic collision can be deadly, rollover accidents are especially concerning. As a result, it may be beneficial to familiarize yourself with some of the characteristics of these collisions, such…