Common Causes of Car Accidents In Denver

Common Causes of Car Accidents In Denver

Although car accident injuries and deaths decreased by two percent between 2019 and 2022, they remain a high cause of accidental death, with 46,027 fatalities in 2022 and over five million reported injuries. There are many types of car accidents, including side-impact collisions, head-on collisions, rear-end collisions, and rollover accidents, but the overwhelming majority of these accidents result from the same cause. Traffic experts warn that one factor causes more car accident injuries and fatalities than any other, and what…

The Injuries That Cause A Majority of ATV Deaths

Driving an ATV is both a great way of exploring difficult-to-reach, off-road locations and a thrilling way to enjoy the outdoors, but ATVs are also a common cause of serious injuries and deaths during recreational activity. Rider inexperience, errors, speeding, and taking reckless chances, all contribute to the cause and severity of ATV accidents. Whether you are new to ATVs or you’re considering purchasing one, understanding the most common cause of fatal injury for ATV riders can help you and…

The Five Elements of Defamation Explained

No one likes to have their reputation smeared, but sometimes false claims lobbied against us cause serious harm, including lost job opportunities, a decline in business, or even the loss of personal friendships and relationships. When someone makes false statements about another person to the public, it’s a form of personal injury. The victim whose name was sullied may suffer significant damages from the defamation. Written defamation is libel, while spoken defamation is slander, but both are forms of defamation…

How to Divide a Wrongful Death Settlement In Colorado

Death always feels wrong to surviving family members left behind but when a loved one’s death was preventable and occurred directly due to someone else’s careless, reckless, or wrongful actions, it’s considered a wrongful death under the law according to Washington RCW 4.20.010. In Washington, close family members who suffer financial losses from the death as well as emotional grief and anguish can recover compensation through a Washington wrongful death claim. This type of legal action holds the at-fault party…