Family law issues can be emotionally charged for many reasons. Sometimes, people are angry over the outcome of a child support order or custody decision, while others may be upset about how marital property was split. Divorce can also follow infidelity and some people are upset about their spouse’s decision to end the marriage. In extreme situations, someone may be harassed by their former marital partner so severely that they will need to take steps to protect themselves and their children. If your spouse has harassed you in a way which is against the law, you should look over your choices right away.
Depending on the harassment you have endured, you may be able to file a restraining order. Moreover, it could be helpful to bring up this harassment in court if you are already in the middle of the divorce process. People should never feel threatened or allow a former partner to upend their life by making threats and relentlessly harassing them. Regrettably, this occurs frequently and has become an even more complex problem in the digital age. For example, people may share pictures, videos, or text that upsets their former partner.
Sometimes, people decide to push off their divorce because they are uncertain of what the outcome will be or simply do not want to deal with it. However, this can create difficulties and it is vital for people to make the right decision.
On the divorce page of our blog, you have access to more material that covers the end of a marriage.