Relationships are constantly changing and evolving. Likely, when you first met the person who would become your spouse, you felt nerves, excitement and undeniable chemistry. By the time you get married, you and your spouse will feel like an unstoppable force.
Unfortunately, relationships continue to change even after marriage, and after several years of being together, many spouses feel that they have simply grown apart and lost their spark. If you are feeling dissatisfied in your relationship, you may be unsure of what to do next, and whether you should get a divorce.
Try to figure out what is missing
Sometimes it’s difficult to figure out exactly what is missing from your relationship. It could be that one or both of you have stopped taking care of yourself, which is resulting in either low self-esteem or a lack of physical attraction.
It may be that the routine you have fallen into means that there is no time for spontaneity and romance. Or you may be harboring anger toward each other that stifles a loving relationship.
It could be that you are thinking too much of yourself, rather than thinking about the relationship and the foundation of the team that you originally built and supported.
Consider whether you can work on your marriage
Some marital issues can be worked through. If you are committed to your spouse, you should be able to identify the problem and focus on working through it over time. A wonderful couple’s counselor that helps you work together can be helpful, relationship workshops can be great and even fun, sharing podcasts, books, and articles about your partnership, communication, intimacy, and love language can be insightful.
Question whether a divorce could be the solution
In some cases, you may no longer feel that you know or love your partner, and in this case, a divorce may be the best possible option.
If you are considering filing for a divorce, make sure that you understand how the laws in Colorado would apply to your case before taking action.