How does accident compensation work in hit-and-run crashes?

How does accident compensation work in hit-and-run crashes?

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Hit-and-run motor vehicle accidents in the Greater Denver metro area happen more often than many people realize. A recent Aurora hit-and-run crash that left a man dead and a family bereaved highlights this problem.

Leaving the scene of an accident is not just a crime; it puts the lives of crash victims in danger. If no one else witnesses the crash and calls in a report, it can take some time for first responders to arrive at the scene. Most vehicle accident injuries have the best chance of healing properly with emergency treatment from first responders.

What are your options after a hit-and-run?

Another issue with hit-and-run vehicle accidents involves acquiring compensation. If the police cannot catch the driver, you have no one to target in an insurance claim or an injury lawsuit. As you might expect, this can affect your ability to pay for necessary medical treatment.

You have several options:

  • File a claim with your insurance provider. If you have supplemental or uninsured motorist coverage, you can probably recover at least some compensation.
  • Wait for the police to catch the hit-and-run driver. In most cases, law enforcement officers locate these drivers. It is hard to remain anonymous in a world where cell phones and traffic cameras are almost everywhere. If the police find the driver and the driver has insurance, you can file a claim with their insurer for financial compensation.
  • File an injury lawsuit against the motorist. This will only work if the driver is caught or turns themselves over to authorities. Before deciding on a lawsuit, it is wise to consider whether the driver has the means to pay if you win the suit.

We suggest that you learn more about Colorado insurance and injury compensation laws if you have suffered harm in a hit-and-run or other type of auto accident. You may have additional options under the uninsured and under-insured clauses of your own insurance.