What to Do When Making a Career Transition After Divorce

What to Do When Making a Career Transition After Divorce

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What To Do When Making A Career Transition After A Divorce

Divorce is not only an ending, it’s also the beginning of a new chapter. With the fresh start of post-divorce life, it’s also a time when many newly divorced people consider making life improvements, including advancing new career goals.

Depending on your circumstances, you may wish for a clean start away from the coworkers who knew you as part of a couple, or you may have worked in a business with your spouse.

Perhaps you put your career on hold for years to raise your children. Some divorces include spousal support payments from a higher-earning spouse to the lower earner with a time limit during which they must become self-sufficient. No matter what circumstances compel you toward new, post-divorce career goals, there are ways to make the transition easier and more rewarding.

1. Take a Moment to Reflect on Your Passions and Abilities

Your instincts after the upheaval of a divorce may be to find the most reliable source of steady income. This may be necessary if you’re facing financial hardship, but if your share of the marital assets and/or temporary spousal support payments give you breathing room, taking time to consider what you’re good at, what you enjoy, and what work would make you feel fulfilled and can put you on a better path for a happier future.

Whether you’ve always wanted to take a real estate course and get your license, you have a brilliant idea for a tech start-up, or you’ve dreamed of turning your eye for home decor into a decorating career, now might be the perfect time to pursue those goals.

2. Remain Positive While You Update Your Resume

Even if you’ve taken time away from the workforce, don’t feel intimidated when you see the gap on your old resume. Instead, think of what you’ve accomplished during that time, whether you were organizing little league team schedules as a stay-at-home mom, or managing a full or part-time job during your marriage, focus on spinning your accomplishments in a way that appeals to those hiring in a position you’re interested in.

Even if you’ve felt you were stuck in a dead-end job, there are ways to highlight everything you did well. For instance, instead of saying you “were stuck in a dead-end job” you’d highlight your intense loyalty to a job position as a plus for your prospective new employer.

3. Put a Strong Support Position in Place

When the ink is still wet on your divorce papers, you may feel intimidated by the number of changes you’re facing. Shared child custody schedules, a new place to live, or taking on mortgage payments without a partner is a lot to manage.

Seeking a career change on top of all of that is a lot to handle all at once. It’s important to ask for help and support when you need it. Ask your loved ones to support you through the transition and help with backup plans, such as a trusted relative on call to pick up your children from school if you’re unable to make it on time. If you have a close friend or relative with a successful career in the field of your interest, ask if they can mentor you or provide career tips and advice.

4. Improve Your Skills and Education

A new start after a divorce is a good time to finish a degree, take a course, or ask for an internship—particularly if you’re receiving temporary spousal support which is intended to help you become self-sufficient or pursue career goals you put off during the marriage. If you don’t have to send out resumes immediately, consider getting educational experiences you can use to fill out your resume before applying for your dream position.

A divorce may be the end of a marriage, but it could also become the catalyst you need to pursue career goals you might otherwise have continued putting off indefinitely.