How are Financial Investments Divided in a Divorce?

How are Financial Investments Divided in a Divorce?

Most couples believe their love is forever when they take their vows but life doesn’t always live up to our expectations and dreams. Some couples come to the sad conclusion that they are better off parting ways emotionally and legally. Colorado’s divorce rate is at 12%, up by 4% since the pandemic. Unfortunately, a significant number of couples who spent years building up their assets through financial investments in an effort to ensure a financially secure future for their family…

Is Colorado a Community Property State?

When a couple faces the inevitability of going their separate ways, one of the first things they wonder about is how to split their property in a divorce. Second only to child custody, separating assets is one of the most contentious aspects of divorce. While a handful of states are community property states in which the courts consider all assets collected during a marriage to belong jointly to both spouses and divide them 50/50, Colorado isn’t one of them. Instead,…

What Happens if My Spouse Dies During Our Divorce?

Divorce is an emotionally and legally challenging procedure, but when a spouse dies during the process, it may leave you not only with mixed emotions but also with pressing legal questions. Similarly, you may have questions about what happens to your own estate if you die before your divorce finalizes. What happens to a divorce case in Colorado if one spouse dies while the case is still pending and no final dissolution decree has been entered by the court? Unlike…

Dividing Rental Property During a Colorado Divorce

Dividing one household into two during a divorce is challenging and stressful, but when you add complex assets such as rental properties into the equations it can become even more complicated. It helps to have the legal expertise of experienced Denver divorce attorneys like the team at Denver’s Ciancio Ciancio Brown P.C. on your side to help explain the division of assets such as rental properties during a divorce. What are Marital Assets Under Colorado Law? In Colorado, the term…

What can’t you put in a prenup?

If you’re getting divorced and you know that you already have a prenuptial agreement, odds are that you are counting on that prenup to offer you some level of protection and to help guide the divorce process to solutions that you’ve already agreed upon. For instance, maybe your main goal is to retain the assets that you acquired and the money that you earned, and a prenup that lists those assets can help you do so. However, one reason that…