How many Colorado DUI arrestees had prior DUIs?

How many Colorado DUI arrestees had prior DUIs?

DUI charges can have serious consequences in Colorado. The driver owes hundreds of dollars in fines and court costs as well as a potential prison sentence and license suspension. With all the trouble individuals go through in these charges, you would think that most of them would avoid drinking before getting behind the wheel in the future. Unfortunately, that does not appear to be the case. A recent report by the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice featuring data from 27,000…

What impact will self-driving cars have on drunk driving?

“It’s actually safer to be controlled by a self-driving system during the long stretches of highway. That’s where it becomes the most mundane, that’s where you get the most fatigue, which plays into accidents.” – Eric Berdinis, Otto Product Lead Too many people are injured or killed in alcohol-related car accidents every day. While there are many alternatives to drunk driving, people still choose to do so. Not everyone can afford to take an Uber home, so they result to…

On a pub crawl? Be careful when walking after drinking.

People are well aware of the danger of drunk driving. The good news is that drunk driving continues to decline, as reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. But people are still getting drunk. According to a 2017 survey published in JAMA Psychiatry, there has been a significant rise in the percentage of people who drink heavily. While it is always better to not get behind the wheel after drinking, walking home in the dark while drunk poses its…

What warning labels on over the counter drugs mean for driving

It is the end of National Safety Month. That means now is a good time to discuss driving safety. Specifically, what those warning labels on some over the counter (OTC) medications mean for driving under the influence. Impaired driving is more than driving drunk or under the influence of an illegal drug. Even prescribed drugs or OTC medicine taken at recommended doses can impair driving ability. It is important to read the warning labels for all medication. They are there…

Opioid use becoming more of a problem on Colorado roads

Signs of suffering from the opioid epidemic are everywhere, and Colorado is no exception. In 2017, 357 residents died from an opioid overdose. Recent attempts to curb opioid abuse in Colorado include a lawsuit against drug companies responsible for marketing opioids to doctors and a $1.8 million campaign to de-stigmatize opioid addiction. There are many reasons to help people suffering from opioid addiction get help. One of those reasons is the increasing number of car accidents involving illegal and prescription…