What to do with your business after a divorce

What to do with your business after a divorce

When you and your spouse started your business together, you may never have imagined that a divorce would be the factor threatening the end of your business. If you are divorcing, your business partnership may also be coming to an end. What are your options regarding your business? Staying in business The first question to consider is whether you want to keep the business going after your marriage ends. If you do, you and your spouse may be able to…

Is your New Year’s resolution to divorce?

The start of a new year always brings a spike in the number of divorce cases across the country. Statistics prove that at least one in every five married couples is considering divorce immediately after the festive season. If your marriage is ending, there are some things you can do to ensure that the divorce doesn’t bring you too much trauma. Taking the right steps up-front can make the entire separation a more peaceful, drama-free, and fair process. Below are some tips…