Young drivers and phone use behind the wheel

Young drivers and phone use behind the wheel

Auto collisions have countless causes, but phones and other electronic devices are responsible for many of the wrecks that take place each day. In some instances, it is legal for drivers in certain states to use phones while they are on the road, such as a hands-free device. However, many states prohibit novice drivers, such as a 16-year-old who recently received his or her license, from all types of phone use while driving. Regrettably, some young drivers ignore these regulations…

Distracted driving: Don’t pet and drive

There are times when good people exercise poor judgment. Such is the case when drivers allow dogs to ride in the front seat or in their lap. The image of a pooch sticking its head out of the window while the vehicle is motoring down a busy street may make for a heart-warming picture, but it’s a legitimately dangerous thing for the driver, other people and the dog.  A more serious problem than you might think The prevalence of pet…