Can a Child Refuse Visitation?

Can a Child Refuse Visitation?

Divorce and the division of one home into two separate households can be difficult for young children; however, preschool and elementary-aged children have little say in decisions regarding their own lives and are typically compliant when parents enforce the court-ordered custody and visitation agreements. It’s a relatively simple matter to exchange small children, even in the most challenging cases when children react to the disruption with crying or temper tantrums. But when children become teenagers, parents can no longer carry…

3 important considerations when sharing custody of an infant

Sharing custody is difficult in any scenario, but it can be particularly hard with very young children. Some people even think that it is not possible to share custody of an infant.  Special and unique planning can make create a safe and nurturing environment for your baby. The parents can both remain involved even if the child you share is a newborn. Of course, there are unique considerations that influence shared custody arrangements involving infants. Discussing these matters can help…

Are you alienating your children from the other parent?

Parental alienation is a serious offense in the eyes of a family court. A parent who actively tries to manipulate their child or turn them against the other parent looks vindictive and harmful. If you’re a parent who wants what is best for your child, it’s important for you to take steps to avoid being seen as an alienating parent. Making negative statements about the other parent, communicating through your child instead of on your own, making negative social media…

Should You Consider an Alternate-Week Custody Schedule?

If you and your soon-to-be-ex are going to be sharing custody of your children 50-50, you’ve probably already realized that there are a number of variations on shared custody schedules. One that you may be considering is alternating weeks. An alternate-week schedule has definite advantages and disadvantages. Whether it’s right for your family depends on your kids as well as on your and your co-parent’s work schedule. The Advantages of an Alternate-Week Schedule One of the biggest benefits of each…

Lesson from Seal: Co-parenting often proves challenging

If you look for stories about how divorced parents can work as a team to raise the children, you’ll find many of them. There isn’t much doubt that the children can thrive when there’s effective co-parenting in place. But, some people don’t realize that there are situations that simply don’t lend themselves to that possibility. Seal, the famed singer, has four children with his ex, supermodel Heidi Klum. He recently noted that while they share the children, they’ve been unsuccessful…