When Does Child Support End in Colorado?

When Does Child Support End in Colorado?

Colorado family law includes basic child support guidelines to determine payment based on the combined income of the parents plus any required adjustments. While most states end child support payments at age 18, or when a child graduates from high school, some states require the paying parent to continue paying child support until age 19. Colorado is one of those states. Why does Child Support End at 19 in Colorado? Colorado law requires the paying parent to continue past age…

Does Child Support Cover Medical Costs?

There are many issues the Colorado court takes into consideration to determine child support payments. Colorado family law considers medical costs part of basic child support financial obligation. Keeping a child healthy is a top priority for any parent and providing healthcare coverage is one of the most important costs of raising children. Most divorcing parents decide whose medical benefits provide the best and most affordable coverage for the children during mediation. If parents can’t reach a workable agreement during…

What should you expect to pay in child support after a divorce?

If you are getting divorced and have a child, the Court will find that each parent owes a duty of support for the child, and you may be the party who is asked to pay support. Determining who pays support comes down to a number of factors, some of which include which parent earns more money and which will take care of the child more often. If you and your spouse can work out a support amount that you think…

3 tips for effective communication with your co-parent

Couples who don’t have children get to make a clean break when they divorce and may never have to see each other again. Couples with kids will probably see each other not just until the children become adults but occasionally on special days for the rest of their lives. Accepting the reality that you will still have to interact is a crucial first step in trying to develop a healthy and positive co-parenting relationship. Some people focus so much energy…

Divorced Parents Must Consider New Education-Related Child Support Costs

School is more expensive than ever. Even for parents whose young children go to free public institutions. The Denver Post, back in 2013, wrote about the rise of “mandatory fees.” These are costs a school may pass on to parents for things like advanced placement courses, transportation and certain text books. Since then, the issue has only become more prominent. This summer, Colorado’s child support guidelines changed to reflect this reality. Reasonable and necessary education expenses As of July 1,…