Is a DUI Grounds for Divorce In Colorado?

Is a DUI Grounds for Divorce In Colorado?

Experiencing the break up of a marriage is an emotionally fraught and sometimes traumatic time. Divorcing spouses may drown their sorrows or act out by enjoying late nights at popular clubs, but choosing to get behind the wheel while intoxicated is not only a crime and a danger to others, but it also can have a substantial impact on your divorce terms. But is a DUI grounds for divorce in Colorado? Legal Grounds for Divorce in Colorado Colorado is a…

How to Divorce a Narcissist

The person you married may seem like a distant memory to the person who now shares your home. You may now feel that the time has come to divorce. If your soon-to-be ex-spouse has a narcissistic personality, you may have faced mistreatment throughout your marriage without immediately recognizing it. Individuals with these personalities can easily manipulate and make others feel worthless without obvious displays of violent or frightening behavior. What is a Narcissist? A narcissistic personality may not be instantly recognizable…

Navigating Divorce Stigma In Colorado

Historically, divorce was rare across all cultures and classes but became increasingly common in the mid to late 20th century beginning with the sexual revolution and more women entering the workplace. Recent statistics reveal the nationwide divorce rate at about 45%. Although divorce is now common and no longer has the deeply shameful, near-taboo stigma it did in earlier centuries, many divorcing spouses report feeling a sense of shame, embarrassment, and regret once they’ve acknowledged that their marriage has failed….

The Five Stages of Grief After a Divorce

Divorce is one of the most emotionally difficult and legally challenging life experiences. Sadly, those who experience grief during the divorce process often feel isolated in their grief. Unlike grieving a death, people don’t often talk about this aspect of divorce. According to psychologists, divorce grief is common and often follows the same five stages of grief experienced by those mourning a loved one’s death. Divorce is the death of an intimate relationship, a companionship, a family, and a way…

Splitting Your 401K After a Divorce

Colorado is an “equitable division of marital assets state” that compels divorcing spouses to divide and distribute all assets and debts accumulated during the marriage fairly between both spouses. For many divorces, one or both spouses’ 401K retirement plan is the largest marital asset and is subject to division during a divorce. Some spouses may seek a fast answer to dividing 401K savings, so they can expedite the divorce process, but it pays to carefully consider the best way to…