When to watch out for drunk drivers in February

When to watch out for drunk drivers in February

February may be the shortest month of the year, but it’s rarely anyone’s favorite. Studies show that for decades, most Americans often view the second month as the worst one of the year. Many have had enough of the dark, sunless days or the inconvenient colder weather and just want to move on to spring. The general hatred people have towards the month should be enough to warn cautious drivers to keep an eye out for drunk drivers the road,…

Pedestrian accidents while on vacation

Many people realize that driving a vehicle in a new area can be dangerous, especially if a driver is not familiar with the roads in a certain area or they do not have experience with the laws in a particular country. However, it can even be dangerous to walk while you are on vacation, for different reasons. People who are traveling are frequently tired, and they may also lack familiarity with roadways and the way things work in a particular…

The dangers of driving while you are too cold

It is pivotal to be mindful of any factor that could make an accident more likely, even if it does not seem likely. People realize the dangers that come with driving after taking certain types of prescription medication or drinking alcohol, but some people fail to realize that it may be dangerous to drive in other instances. For example, someone who is extremely cold may have a more difficult time behind the wheel and this could be dangerous. In many…

Holiday road trips and auto accidents

Many people travel to visit their loved ones during the holidays, whether they fly across the country or drive to another state. This can be a stressful time of year for many reasons and it can be especially difficult when a motor vehicle collision occurs. Moreover, motor vehicle crashes are particularly likely to happen during the holidays for a variety of reasons. As a result, you should be careful when you go on a holiday road trip to visit family…

Parking lot accidents increase exponentially in December

December is one of the worst driving months of the year. It has very little sunlight, frosty weather that make the roads slippery and holidays that send many travelers and drunk drivers to the streets together. However, it is not just the highways and county roads that increase in danger this month. Studies by the National Safety Council show that there are roughly around 60,000 injuries and 500 deaths in parking lots and garages every year. A significant portion of…