A Ruptured Disc: A Painful Injury That May Require Surgery

A Ruptured Disc: A Painful Injury That May Require Surgery

A ruptured disc is serious, because it can press on the nearby nerves. A slipped, herniated, or ruptured disc can cause severe pain and dysfunction below the point of injury. These types of injuries are often caused by motor vehicle collisions. Spinal discs play an important role in they way your spine functions -. They absorb shock and protect the other spinal structures from damage. Unfortunately, if the disc ruptures, you may be left with chronic pain and need surgery…

Police Looking For Answers After Serious Accident

There are instances where the causes of a car crash are apparent. Investigators often find that one or more people took or failed to take some sort of action that led to the incident. Unfortunately, car accident causes aren’t always so cut and dried. One recent serious accident here in Colorado is still under investigation after a woman was seriously hurt and another driver suffered significant injuries. According to police, the crash happened on a recent afternoon on local roads. One car…

Serious accident involving hit-and-run leads to arrest

It’s not uncommon for most drivers to get into a car accident at some point in their lives. However, most people try to do all that they can to avoid causing one. When someone makes a deliberate choice that leads to a crash, such as speeding or texting and driving, that person could face criminal charges. One recent crash here in Colorado resulted in charges for one man after authorities say he caused a serious accident and was intoxicated at the time. The crash…

How truck drivers can manage their fatigue

Truck driver fatigue contributed to 13% of crashes analyzed in the Large Truck Crash Causation Study of 2007. However, there are many steps that drivers in Colorado and elsewhere can take to make sure that they are awake enough to operate their vehicles. For example, it is not a good idea to drive between the hours of 12 a.m. and 6 a.m. because the human body tends to be naturally tired during these hours. Drivers may also be vulnerable to…

Researchers discover where accidents are most likely to occur

There was a 6.8% increase in traffic accidents throughout the country between 2018 and 2019, many of which occurred in Illinois. According to a survey from Go Safe Labs, there were 22,188 crashes in Houston, which was the most in the country during 2019. Other cities where accidents were most likely to occur were Charlotte, Austin and Los Angeles. However, it is important to note that the accident rates in many of these cities actually declined during that year. In…