Divorce, from a mother’s perspective

Divorce, from a mother’s perspective

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When you get married, you look forward to a future with your spouse, expecting a life full of joy. But, life is full of ups and downs and now you have entered the realm of divorce. It feels daunting. The unknowns, the uncertainties, it can all be so stressful. If you are a mother, you may worry about the transition for your children. Perhaps they will need to divide their time between you and their father, perhaps you will be all on your own in this new way of life.

You may also worry about how you will support your family, or how your ex will contribute to finances. Perhaps you are a stay at home mother and need to find childcare for the first time. The thought can be heartbreaking, but have hope. There are resources available to you during this emotional time. Free childcare for people who need an extra hand, child support, and people to help guide you through the paperwork. You are doing your best and with time will come healing and new joy. Know that you are not alone and that many people before you have gotten through times just like this.

You will discover how strong you are. If you are a mother, your child will learn from you and see how no matter what life throws your way, you can get through it. If you head over to our law office’s family law section, more material covering the divorce process is available to read.