Why are millennials divorcing less?

Why are millennials divorcing less?

While the last few years have seen much publicity about the differences between millennials and older generations, there’s a trend among 20- and early 30-somethings that hasn’t received much attention: Millennials are divorcing at a lower rate than their parents. A changing institution The divorce rate in the US has been dropping since the 1990s. Furthermore, millennials are waiting longer to tie the knot. Sociologists believe these trends could be connected.  One explanation for why couples are marrying later is that they’re more…

Why establishing paternity is important

There are benefits to multiple parties when you determine and acknowledge the father legally in Colorado. Establishing paternity is important for financial, emotional, psychological, medical and legal reasons. The National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse discusses that paternity allows the father to take part in his child’s life, even if he is not currently with the mother. As a legal father, he can request visitation or custody, and ask to help make important life decisions about the child. One of the benefits…

Genetics may play a role in divorce risk

It’s long been known that the children of divorced parents are more likely to get divorced themselves, but researchers have only recently discovered that this tendency may be inherited. For example, in a study from Virginia Commonwealth University and Lund University in Sweden, researchers set out to investigate the genetic factors behind intergenerational divorce. Interestingly, for children who were adopted, their divorce histories tended to resemble those of their biological — rather than adoptive — parents and siblings. The study’s authors concluded that genetic…

How to prepare for a divorce

The New Year is a popular time for divorce, and if you and your spouse make the decision to start the process in Colorado you can, and should, start preparing now. Between getting finances in order and preparing emotionally, the more you do ahead of time the easier this already difficult change can be. According to the Huffington Post, there are a number of things you can do to get ready for a meeting with a divorce attorney. One is to…

How does legal separation compare to divorce?

You and your spouse may have decided that your relationship has come to an end and that it’s time to move on. You may also be wondering exactly how you should tackle your impending split. Should you get a divorce mediator? Is divorce even the right option? It’s not the only option, at least. FindLaw takes a look at the difference between divorce and legal separation, a lesser known but equally valid option for people like you who have come…