Can you move out of Colorado with the kids after your divorce?

Can you move out of Colorado with the kids after your divorce?

It often takes quite some time to rebuild your life after a divorce. You no longer have a spouse to rely on for household needs and financial support, and you may find yourself trying to stay away from places and experiences that remind you of your marriage. Whether you have family in Idaho or a job offer in Texas, you may decide that leaving Colorado is the best way to move on with your life. However, if you share parental…

When wives earn more than their husbands, it can spell trouble for the marriage

It used to be that males made up the majority of employees in the workforce. Even in instances in which both males and females worked in the same workplace in a similar role, the men were the ones who brought in a higher salary. Things have changed a lot in recent years, though. Data from the U.S. Department of Labor for 2019 shows that an estimated 38% of wives brought in more income than their husbands that year. This trend…

3 major warning signs that you’re headed for gray divorce

Quite a few people erroneously believe that divorce is something that happens to young people. They think of divorce as a sign that a couple married when they were incompatible or for the wrong reasons. However, modern statistics show that the opposite comprises the current trend. Younger couples are less likely to divorce now than they were a few years ago, while older couples are increasingly likely to decide to call it quits. Some people who get divorced after decades…

What’s fair in divorce when your spouse owns a business?

Equitable distribution laws guide divorces in Colorado. Whether you expected a judge to make all of the decisions or you intend to sit down and negotiate with your spouse, understanding the Colorado approach to property division is crucial. Equitable distribution rules focus on a fair outcome. What is fair depends on your family circumstances and can be drastically different from case to case. If you are the dependent spouse of someone who owns a business, what is fair when you…

Consider these 4 factors for settling or litigating your divorce

The decision to end a once-loving relationship can be devastating, and most divorcing partners want to make the process as easy as possible. Most divorces end in a settlement, as statistics show fewer than 10% actually go to trial. It is not advisable to take your soon-to-be-ex to court as a way to get back at them, even if they were unfaithful or dishonest. Still, litigation may make sense, in some cases, when your spouse refuses to cooperate over custody…