Genetics may play a role in divorce risk

Genetics may play a role in divorce risk

It’s long been known that the children of divorced parents are more likely to get divorced themselves, but researchers have only recently discovered that this tendency may be inherited. For example, in a study from Virginia Commonwealth University and Lund University in Sweden, researchers set out to investigate the genetic factors behind intergenerational divorce. Interestingly, for children who were adopted, their divorce histories tended to resemble those of their biological — rather than adoptive — parents and siblings. The study’s authors concluded that genetic…

Common mistakes people make when warming up their cars

Now that winter is here, many Colorado residents have resorted to using their old tactics to make driving in the cold more bearable. Some let their car warm up for minutes so they can either wait to enter a warm interior or so they can have an easier time scraping off all the snow and ice accumulated on their windshield. However, some of the typical tactics used towards starting a car in the winter can have negative effects on the…

How to prepare for a divorce

The New Year is a popular time for divorce, and if you and your spouse make the decision to start the process in Colorado you can, and should, start preparing now. Between getting finances in order and preparing emotionally, the more you do ahead of time the easier this already difficult change can be. According to the Huffington Post, there are a number of things you can do to get ready for a meeting with a divorce attorney. One is to…

Holiday road trips and auto accidents

Many people travel to visit their loved ones during the holidays, whether they fly across the country or drive to another state. This can be a stressful time of year for many reasons and it can be especially difficult when a motor vehicle collision occurs. Moreover, motor vehicle crashes are particularly likely to happen during the holidays for a variety of reasons. As a result, you should be careful when you go on a holiday road trip to visit family…

Parking lot accidents increase exponentially in December

December is one of the worst driving months of the year. It has very little sunlight, frosty weather that make the roads slippery and holidays that send many travelers and drunk drivers to the streets together. However, it is not just the highways and county roads that increase in danger this month. Studies by the National Safety Council show that there are roughly around 60,000 injuries and 500 deaths in parking lots and garages every year. A significant portion of…