Property Taxes at a Glance: Highest and Lowest by County

Property Taxes at a Glance: Highest and Lowest by County

If you live in Denver proper, you bottom out – a good kind of bottoming out – because you’ve got the lowest amount of property taxes in the metro area, according to Aldo Svaldi with The Denver Post. Contrast that with some other metro area counties, such as Westminster (home of Ciancio Ciancio Brown, P.C.) and Adams, which have some of the highest property taxes in the state. Bear in mind, though, that almost no matter where you live in…

Treatment of 401(k) accounts in Colorado divorces

Couples who are working through divorce in Colorado and who also have 401(k) accounts may be surprised to learn that their spouses may be entitled to a percentage of the account balance. The portion of 401(k) accounts that accrued during the marriage are considered to be marital property subject to equitable property division in divorce proceedings. The law allows the withdrawal of the amount ordered by the court without the early withdrawal penalties given in the event that both spouses…

Inheritances and property division in Colorado

In a Colorado divorce, marital property will be equitably divided between the two spouses. An equitable division is not necessarily equal. Rather, equitable division means that the division of property will be fair. Property that is included in the marital estate and thus subject to division is called marital property, while property that is excluded is separate property. Marital property includes most types of property acquired during the marriage, even if the property was only acquired by one spouse. There…

Fraud in high-asset divorce uncovered by FBI

The division of marital property is often a contentious issue in Jefferson County divorces. This is especially true when it is a high-asset divorce because so much money is at stake, and each spouse may feel that they are entitled to a certain amount. It is understandable if parties become very angry or emotional during the asset division process, but some people become so outraged at the prospect of paying alimony or child support that they turn to illegal means…

Get proof of an alcoholic spouse’s problem for custody cases

Many couples in the Denver area and elsewhere struggle with a handful of issues when they are married. But according to one experienced family law attorney, one issue that has been on the rise is alcohol abuse. According to this attorney, she has seen a “significant” increase in one spouse making an alcoholism claim against the other during the last few years. This attorney says that spouses and children typically make excuses for an alcohol abuse problem in the home,…