What to Ask For in a Divorce Agreement

What to Ask For in a Divorce Agreement

Navigating a divorce in Colorado feels overwhelming when dealing with the legal complexities involved as well as the emotional aspects of ending a marriage. In Colorado, divorcing spouses must fairly and equitably divide their marital assets and debts during the divorce process as well as make determinations for child custody and support. Reaching mutually acceptable terms on all aspects of the divorce is the most challenging part of a Colorado divorce. Drafting a divorce agreement with fair terms that both…

Who Claims a Child on Taxes With 50/50 Custody?

Colorado courts uphold a child’s best interests as their standard for all decisions, especially in making child custody decisions. The courts also presume that continued close contact with both parents is in a child’s best interests unless a parent rebuts this presumption with clear evidence showing that continued close contact with the other parent is not in their child’s best interests. Although courts in Colorado aim for 50/50 shared custody (parenting time), this isn’t always possible for every divorced family….

Factors to Consider Before Getting a Divorce

A divorce is an enormous, life-altering decision. Before you make the first move and file the divorce petition, or respond to a spouse’s petition, it helps to take a calm step back and prepare for the process ahead. Preparing for divorce means considering the important factors of divorce and how you’ll resolve them in your case as you move forward. It’s helpful to know the following key points of a Colorado divorce before you begin the process. Have We Explored…

How to Navigate a High-Conflict Divorce

Divorce is never easy, even under the most amicable circumstances when spouses agree to part ways but remain on civil or even friendly terms and make their out-of-court settlement. But when divorcing spouses have a highly contentious divorce due to hard feelings toward each other and/or battles over child custody and the division of their assets, emotions may quickly spiral out of control, leading to disputes on nearly every term of the divorce. So how do divorcing spouses avoid common…

Litigation Vs Mediation

A divorce is never an easy process, from making the initial decision to signing the final decree, it’s a difficult journey. But neither spouse has to remain along for the ride in their divorce process. Instead, they can choose to take the wheel by deciding on mediation rather than litigating the divorce in court. When a divorce case goes to court, a judge makes the final decisions on all aspects of the divorce from child custody to the division and…