Your City Could Affect Your Divorce And How Much It Costs

Your City Could Affect Your Divorce And How Much It Costs

When people get married, the goal is generally to stay together. They hope that they will remain in a relationship for the rest of their lives. Even through tough times, many people do make that happen. In some cases, the reality is that divorce is a better option than staying married. Whether it’s because you’ve grown apart or because you have different opinions about too many things, it’s important that you have the opportunity to separate gracefully and move on…

How The Family Home Is Divided In A Colorado Divorce

For many couples in Colorado, the family home is their largest asset. Because of this, questions about how this asset will be divided during a divorce is one of their biggest concerns. This is especially true when only one spouse is listed on the mortgage and/or the title. As such, many going through a divorce in which their name is excluded from the mortgage of the family home or excluded from the title want an attorney to help them understand…

A pup nup protects your pet during divorce

Pet owners know that their four-legged friends are so much more than just animals — they are members of the family. Unfortunately, Colorado law does not see it that way. Pets are treated as just another piece of property when it comes to legal matters. This can spell trouble for pet parents who are going through a divorce, as they may be faced with the possibility of losing contact with their beloved animal altogether. Since state law does regard pets…

Know this point about divorcing with a family-run business

A stay-at-home spouse often has complete dependence upon their partner for financial support. When the source of income is a family business, both spouses may play roles in the company, but only one might have a working knowledge of what’s going on with the finances. This can work well as long as the marriage is on a good foundation, but it can pose a problem if things shift and the marriage becomes rocky. In some cases, the downfall of the…

How to get through a divorce during financial struggles

The decision to file for a divorce is likely to be an emotional one rather than a financial one. Therefore, even if you are not sure that you can afford to go through a divorce or if you are uncertain about how it will affect you financially, you may decide to file anyway. Alternatively, you may have decided to file for a divorce before losing your job and entering a tough financial situation. If you are currently in the midst…