You’re never too old to consider a divorce

You’re never too old to consider a divorce

Getting divorced later in life is becoming more common, which is something that you should keep in mind as you age with your spouse. If you and your spouse have decided that you aren’t on the same path and may not have the same understanding, tolerance or goals any longer, then it could make sense for you to think that a divorce is the right choice. A gray divorce, or one that happens when you’re older or an empty nester,…

Can I change my alimony payment terms?

When a couple decides to terminate their marriage, one of the issues they will have to deal with is spousal support. Also known as maintenance or alimony, this is a court-directed payment that one party makes to the other during and after finalizing the divorce. Spousal support can be permanent or temporary depending on the duration of marriage and the parties’ financial situations at the time of the divorce process, according to our alimony attorney in Denver. Spousal support payment,…

An alcohol use disorder could lead to divorce and custody issues

There are many reasons that you might decide to go through with a divorce. One of them could be that you have a spouse who is dealing with a substance use disorder. Alcoholism, or alcohol use disorder, is just one of the substance use disorders that could negatively impact your marriage. Alcoholism is a common reason for people to seek divorce, and it may even be a grounds for divorce (although Colorado is a no-fault state, so you only need…

You have options after losing a loved one in a drunk driving crash

If you have lost a loved one in a car crash with a drunk driver, you know how upsetting and hurtful it is to know that someone would be so reckless. While you don’t need to participate in the criminal case against that person to make a wrongful death claim, you should be aware that one will likely take place if a person is accused of driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In the case that the…

Alleged drunk driving leads to a manslaughter charge

When a 19-year-old man made the bad decision to drink and drive, the results were deadly. As reported by Denver station KDVR-TV, the alleged drunken driver’s passenger died in the crash he caused in Golden. An officer with the Golden Police Department clocked the driver doing 90 mph just prior to the fiery impact with an SUV occupied by a driver and two passengers. As the three dashed out of the vehicles, two of them were aflame and had to…