Divorce: Factors both inside and outside of the marriage

Divorce: Factors both inside and outside of the marriage

Divorce happens for a multitude of reasons. Cases are unique and complex. Couples split up in different manners, with a spectrum of attitudes and due to a range of causes. It’s important to understand that no two cases are the same. At the same time, though, it can be helpful to look at some of the factors that contribute to divorce in one fashion or another. They can shed light on how divorce happens, why it happens and what steps…

Does establishing paternity ensure child support or visitation?

Having a child in Colorado outside of wedlock may make some parentage issues complicated. If you have a child while unmarried or if your husband is not your baby’s natural father, you may want to go through the steps to establish legal paternity. While establishing paternity does not by itself provide you with child support, it may make it easier for a court to order support sometime in the future. There are also several other potential benefits to establishing paternity….

Genome testing can uncover shocking paternity results

Genetic research intended to reveal markers about hereditary illnesses has apparently had an unexpected — and profound — impact on some families. According to data from the National Health Service (NHS) in England and Scotland, 10% of genetic tests reveal that the individual tested and their father are not a genetic biological match. After 220,000 screenings meant to identify the potential for Alzheimer’s and cancer in families, NHS officials find themselves in an increasingly awkward position. The genetic testing is…

Can you prevent divorce?

Couples in Colorado who are going through rough times may think the only option is divorce. Experts identify a number of signs that indicate a divorce may be down the road, but if couples recognize the signs and take certain steps, they can reverse the direction their relationship is going and hopefully prevent a split up. According to Prevention, one sign of relationship trouble is that couples start to spend less time with each other and become less intimate. If…

Divorce and false allegations of domestic violence

The divorce process can be tough for many different reasons, from legal matters which involve kids (custody disputes, child support, etc.) to the potential career impact of ending a marriage. For some people, divorce can be an especially difficult process, especially when one’s former partner is very bitter and wants to shatter the life of their ex. For example, someone may falsely accuse their former spouse of domestic violence, and there are numerous reasons why this occurs. Sometimes, people want…