Are you prepared to avoid these common divorce mistakes?

Are you prepared to avoid these common divorce mistakes?

You think you’re prepared for the divorce process, but you have some concerns deep down inside. Not only are you staffed with making a variety of key decisions, but you must do so while protecting your legal rights. Adding to this is the fact that you must avoid mistakes that could cost you time and/or money, while adding stress to the situation. While that’s a lot to take in, proper preparation can go a long way in putting you in…

Red flags that indicate a marriage may end in divorce

The decision to get a divorce can be overwhelming for many Colorado couples. The process might be easier for many if there was one sure sign that divorce was the best option. Usually, there are many factors at play. Here are a few red flags indicating that a marriage could be heading for divorce. When one or both of the spouses find themselves wanting to stay out of the home, perhaps staying late at the office or spending a lot…

How can women prepare financially for divorce?

If you are a woman in Colorado considering or going through a divorce, there are many things that you must contemplate, including whether you can stay in your home or must relocate. When there are children involved, custody and support agreements need to be negotiated. And whether you have a successful career or are a stay-at-home mother, you no doubt have some concerns about your fiscal situation. You may be asking yourself, what can a divorcing woman to do ensure…

Set yourself up for success with the way you ask for a divorce

As you begin to consider divorce, it’s easy for your mind to wander into the future. You begin to think about what your life will be like after your marriage is in the past. It’s a good idea to plan for the future, but don’t get ahead of yourself. If you neglect to take the proper steps up front, it’s possible you could cause yourself additional harm in the future. The first step in filing for divorce is notifying your…

These co-parenting conflicts could cause you trouble

With your divorce in the past, you can turn your full attention to successful co-parenting. Doing so puts you in position to provide your children with the best life possible, despite the fact that you’re no longer married. Although co-parenting sounds simple on the surface, you’ll soon find that it’s anything but that. Not only will your relationship with your children change, but you could also face a variety of conflicts along the way. Here are several that could cause…